Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Thing About Rockstars - Entertainment - Music

In the course of this century, there has been an obvious change in the type of music and lifestyle that is now desired by the youth. This is mostly because of the encouragement of self expression that has been going on for several decades now. In the past, lyrics of most rock and roll songs include dancing, standing up to the man and getting the girl. Today's music is still similar to this... but it has its own unique style added to the old school lyrics. Today, rock music has lyrics that speaks of getting drunk, getting high, and all the other sad vices in life.

Being a rockstar is like a fashion trend that doesn't have any assurance of lasting for more than a decade or two. You make it big in the music industry, you become the favorite rock star of today's generation, your face is in posters and all kinds of merchandise, but once you reach a point where your songs have no other unique style and your audiences turn to other new rockstars, that's when the trend begins to die. The life of a rockstar becomes glamorous during the first few years but when the songs don't make it to the hit charts anymore, the glamour soon dies into dust and nobody will remember you anymore. But this scenario doesn't always happen as we have legendary rockstars who are always remembered such as Elvis Presley and Jimi Hendrix. Their songs as well as the marks that they have made in history have made them so popular and inspiring to other future rockstars that their names and lives have lived throughout the ages.

To become a rockstar that everyone will remember requires a lot of passion, creativity, originality, and the charisma that will leave everyone wanting for more. Though it's easier said than done, a lot of rockstars have made a name for themselves because of the music that they produce and play. We see rock bands like Linkin Park and P.O.D. and they have swept the music world like never before. They go to all kinds of concerts, world tours, sign countless autographs and have their songs featured in soundtracks of popular movies. But of course, it is inevitable that the power of their music would falter due to commercialism and other factors, which is the sad fate of so many other good rockstars who could have made it big throughout the years of their careers.

But despite all the insecurities of such a career, nothing can ever replace the uniqueness and the nature of rock music and the personalities of rockstars. They stand as one of the most distinct icons in the music industry and they speak messages that pop stars or classical singers cannot. They have a talent that thousands from the audiences, especially the adventurous youth, want to follow and pattern. And even if it is almost virtually impossible to become a legendary rockstar nowadays, the music that the legends left behind will always be an inspiration to the many future talents who are hoping to make it big as rockstars as well.

But there is more to this lifestyle. If you want to party like a Rock Star you have to look and live like one too. For a large selection of Rockstar t-shirts, tops, sweaters and other apparel you can visit:

Please also visit my What Makes a Rockstar Powerful article.



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